NRCS Disaster Recovery
In 2020, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) made funds available to increase collaboration between Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) and NRCS offices to allow for delivery of technical assistance to lands impacted by natural disasters within NRCS Area 4.
Program Overview

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is a federal agency helping farmers, ranchers, and forested landowners manage natural resources for the best possible outcomes. This is done through incentivizing voluntary conservation through provision of technical assistance and connection to funding programs for participating growers and land managers. More information on these programs or services can be found here.
NRCS and the Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD) share an overlapping mission to address resource concerns through conservation and wise use of land, water, and related resources. Wildfires and natural disasters continue to affect communities in Southern California and there is an increased need to connect affected landowners to services that NRCS can provide. This collaborative effort strengthens and increases the participation by private landowners to successfully access and implement programs administered by NRCS that provide for conservation and enhancement of soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources. In 2020, NRCS awarded the IERCD funding focused on increasing the efficient and effective delivery of technical assistance and connection to financial resources for properties impacted by natural disasters in NRCS – Area 4. The IERCD and other participating RCDs will (1) increase outreach to affected landowners and communities affected by natural disasters and wildfire and (2) assist in connection to available technical assistance and supplemental funding available through NRCS.